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mom and toddler daughter cleaning the house together



MAI 6, 2021

L’air se réchauffe enfin et la neige a fondu. Le printemps est arrivé! Il est donc temps de préparer votre maison pour l’été qui s’en vient.

La tâche peut paraître décourageante, mais cet article vous donnera quelques conseils pratiques pour vous aider à commencer. Qu’il s’agisse de désencombrer la maison ou de s’assurer que vos systèmes résidentiels sont bien entretenus et fonctionnels, nous abordons ci-dessous quatre éléments essentiels : we cover four essential elements below:

1 – Désencombrez

La pandémie nous a offert une nouvelle perspective : une maison mal organisée est une maison stressante. an unorganized home is a stressful one

Après avoir réalisé que nous n’avions peut-être pas besoin de 20 paires de jeans dans notre placard ou de stocker des décorations de Noël de notre enfance dans le garage, beaucoup d’entre nous ont entrepris de faire ce que nous appréhendions depuis des années. Le désencombrement est l’une des tâches les plus courantes du grand ménage du printemps et peut être à la fois amusant et thérapeutique s’il est bien fait. Puisque nous passons tous beaucoup plus de temps à la maison, c’est probablement une bonne idée de commencer par désencombrer les espaces les plus utilisés, comme votre bureau à domicile, votre cuisine ou votre salon. Nous vous recommandons vivement de regarder des vidéos de Marie Kondo pour vous inspirer, mais vous pouvez également utiliser les conseils suivants pour rendre le processus moins stressant :

  • Commencez par un petit espace, et seulement quand vous avez le temps (de préférence la fin de semaine).
  • Travaillez de haut en bas. C’est exact, commencez par les boîtes rangées en haut de votre placard ou de votre espace de rangement et descendez. 
  • Faites trois piles : à garder, à donner et à jeter. Vous pourriez être tenté de garder beaucoup de choses, mais demandez-vous quand vous avez utilisé une chose pour la dernière fois. Si vous ne l’avez pas utilisée depuis un an ou deux, il est fort probable que vous n’en ayez pas vraiment besoin. Vous pouvez soit la donner, soit la jeter.
2 – Purifiez l’air intérieur

Comment nettoyer quelque chose que l’on ne peut ni toucher ni sentir? En remplaçant les filtres de votre système CVCA. Le ménage du printemps est une excellente occasion de remplacer votre fournaise et de changer les filtres pour que vous et votre famille puissiez respirer un air pur et frais. By replacing your HVAC filters. Spring cleaning is an excellent opportunity to replace your furnace and replace filters to ensure that you and your family get fresh and clean air to breathe.

Cela vous aidera à rester en meilleure santé à mesure que la saison avance, car les filtres peuvent retenir les petites particules irritantes qui sont libérées dans l’air au printemps. Pendant l’hiver, les conduits des climatiseurs accumulent de la poussière que de nouveaux filtres peuvent attraper avant qu’elle ne provoque des allergies ou des symptômes d’asthme pour les occupants de la maison!

3 – Assainissez, nettoyez ou modernisez vos appareils électroménagers 

Techniquement, vous devriez nettoyer votre aspirateur et les appareils d’usage quotidien tous les mois. Mais soyons francs, personne n’a le temps ou l’énergie pour cela. C’est donc une bonne idée de vous attaquer au nettoyage des appareils et de vous assurer qu’ils fonctionnent correctement lorsque vous faites le ménage du printemps. 

Commencez par inspecter les objets que vous utilisez souvent : aspirateur central, ventilateurs de plafond, hotte, réfrigérateur, four et micro-ondes. S’il peut être plus facile de nettoyer et d’assainir les petits appareils, il est sans doute préférable de faire appel à des professionnels pour examiner les gros appareils tels que votre climatiseur ou votre chauffe-eau. hire professionals to come in and take a look at bigger appliances such as your air conditioning unit or water heaters. 

4 – N’oubliez pas votre garage

Le garage est probablement l’une des zones les plus ignorées de votre maison, mais il est essentiel de le nettoyer à l’approche du printemps. Parce que nos garages peuvent devenir un « dépotoir » pour tout ce dont nous n’avons plus besoin, il est judicieux de faire un nettoyage en profondeur au moins une fois par année. Si vous organisez et nettoyez votre garage au printemps, vous disposerez de suffisamment d’espace pour ranger les indispensables de la saison estivale et pourrez enfin stationner votre voiture à l’intérieur. 

Commencez par les choses les plus faciles, comme rassembler les articles recyclables ou déterminer ce que vous pouvez donner ou apporter à la décharge. Ensuite, vous devriez vider tout le garage et remettre les choses en ordre ou selon un quelconque système d’organisation, section par section. Cela peut prendre un jour ou deux – ou même quelques fins de semaine – mais faites de votre mieux pour rétablir l’ordre à la fin de chaque séance.



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Picture of Heating and water system appliances.

Couverture du plan des des systèmes à domiciles

Articles couverts

  • Climatiseur avec conduits
  • Systèmes de chauffage avec conduits
  • Systèmes électriques
  • Avertisseurs de fumée reliés à l’électricité
  • Ventilateurs de plafond et d’aspiration
  • Plomberie y compris l’engorgement
  • Chauffe-eau
  • Broyeur d'ordures
  • Distributeurs instantanés eau froide/chaude
  • Aspirateurs centraux

La garantie comprend

  • Composants
  • Remplacement si non-réparable
Picuture of 3 appliances from left to right: Stove & oven, Refrigerator and washer.

Couverture du plan de l’appareils électroménagers

Articles couverts

Appareils de cuisine:

  • Réfrigérateur (compresseur simple) avec distributeur de glace et d'eau intégré
  • Cuisinière / four / surface de cuisson
  • Lave-vaisselle
  • Micro-ondes encastré
  • Hotte de cuisine
  • Congélateurs (en tant que partie interne du réfrigérateur)
  • Centres alimentaires intégrés

Appareils de buanderie:

  • Laveuse
  • Sécheuse
  • Duo laveuse et sécheuse
  • Piédestaux de buanderie

La garantie comprend

  • Composants
  • Remplacement si non-réparable
Image of couch from front.

Couverture du plan de mobilier

Articles couverts

  • Chaise d’appoint
  • Pouf / futon
  • Causeuse / fauteuil surdimensionné
  • Tables d’appoint
  • Sofa / Sectionnel
  • Tables, chaises et bancs de salle à manger
  • Canapé-lit
  • Matelas ou sommier
  • Meubles rembourrés mécaniques ou électriques
  • Meubles de chambre

La garantie comprend

  • Réparation ou remplacement de composants
  • Taches accidentelles
  • Dommages accidentels
  • Usure, y compris:
  • Salissures accumulées
  • Déchirures, accrocs, séparation des coutures
  • Tractions du tissu, boulochage, effilochage, perte de bouton
  • Détérioration du matériel
  • Dommages causés par des animaux domestiques
  • Accumulation de transpiration, ou des huiles capillaires ou corporelles
  • Taches de graisse, peinture, javellisant, vernis à ongles ou dissolvant pour vernis à ongles
  • Décoloration du matériau, perte de couleur, transfert de couleur
  • Craquement et décollage du matériel, résilience des mousses
  • Autres dommages

Limitations du plan

«Smarter Living» est un plan de services et non une police d'assurance. Un plan «Smarter Living» offre une couverture pour une large gamme de produits d'ameublement, d'appareils électroménagers et de systèmes à domiciles. Selon le plan choisi, nous couvrons plusieurs articles dans votre maison. Veuillez noter que certains de nos plans ne sont pas disponibles dans certaines régions du Canada en raison de la réglementation locale. La couverture comprend les frais de réparation ou de remplacement des articles couverts causés par une défaillance du produit, des dysfonctionnements ou de l'usure. Des limitations s'appliquent pour le remplacement ou le remboursement tenant lieu de remplacement, lorsque approprié. Nous ne réparons ni ne remplaçons les produits couverts par l’assurance habitation, la garantie du fabricant ou les garanties de performance des produits fournies par les détaillants, les distributeurs, les constructeurs ou lorsqu'ils sont couverts par une garantie prolongée. Un plan «Smarter Living» est disponible pour les titulaires de plan dans des propriétés résidentielles possédées ou louées et ne s'applique pas aux produits situés dans des propriétés commerciales ou des propriétés résidentielles utilisées à des fins commerciales ou commerciales.

Contrat de service aux membres



  1. A1. Accord: Cet accord de plan de service, («Accord»), est commercialisé, administré et émis par Zucora Inc. («ZucoraHome»). Tout au long de la présente convention, les mots vous, votre et le membre font référence au titulaire de la convention figurant dans le résumé de la couverture de votre régime. Les mots, ZucoraHome, nous, notre et notre, se réfèrent à Zucora Inc. Il s'agit d'un accord de plan de service et non d'une police d'assurance.
  2. A2. Services: Cet accord est destiné à fournir une protection contre les frais de nettoyage, de réparation, d'entretien ou de remplacement de produit («Services»)relatifs aux produits affectés par certains types de taches accidentelles, de dommages accidentels, d'usure normale ou de pannes mécaniques. être applicable à l'égard d'un ou plusieurs plans («Plan (s)») fournissant une couverture pour des articles ménagers spécifiques («Articles couverts») pour le (s) montant (s) des frais du Plan payables en fonction de la sélection et du nombre de Plans couverts par le présent Contrat . Diverses dispositions du présent Contrat limitent et restreignent la couverture et les services - VEUILLEZ LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT CE CONTRAT pour déterminer vos droits et obligations.
  3. A3. Location: ZucoraHome will provide service for Covered Items that:
    • are located in a ZucoraHome service area as determined at time of entering into this Agreement in a service area that ZucoraHome is able to provide such service.
    • are installed and located within the perimeter of the Member’s primary residential home property not exceeding 465 m² (5,000 ft²). With the exception of air conditioning units, any Covered Items located on the exterior or outside the Member’s primary home (including porch or patio) or located in a common area are not covered by this Agreement.
    • are installed in the Member’s property unit, where such unit is part of a multiple unit property, condominium or townhouse property.
    • were properly installed and are in good and safe working condition as of the Effective Date of this Agreement.
    • have become damaged or inoperable due to normal usage after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
    • are reported as requiring service during the term of this Agreement.
  4. A4. Défauts préalables: Cet accord ne couvre pas les défauts, les dommages ou les exigences de service («problèmes préalables») connus avant la date d'entrée en vigueur de la couverture. Les problèmes préalables sont exclus de la couverture jusqu'à ce que nous ayons reçu une preuve de réparation et que nous ayons jugé satisfaisant. Nous fournissons un service ou une réparation pour des conditions inconnues si la condition n'aurait pas été détectable par le membre par une inspection visuelle et un simple test mécanique.
  5. A5. Service aux consommateurs: la couverture du service concerne les propriétés résidentielles possédées ou louées, et non les propriétés commerciales ou les résidences utilisées comme entreprises (y compris les garderies, les maisons de soins infirmiers, etc.)


  1. B1. Membre de première année: Votre période initiale du contrat («Période de service») commence le jour où votre plan de service a été acheté, lorsque ZucoraHome vous accepte comme membre et que nous recevons les frais mensuels initiaux du plan. En tant que membre de première année, la durée initiale de votre contrat est d'un (1) an à compter de la date de début de la période de service. Si vous ajoutez ou mettez à niveau vos plans, la période de service sera prolongée d'un an à compter de la date d'acceptation de cette mise à niveau. Si vous choisissez de renouveler votre accord et que nous acceptons votre demande de renouvellement de votre accord, celui-ci sera renouvelé annuellement à moins que vous avisiez ZucoraHome trente (30) jours avant l'expiration de la période de service initiale ou de renouvellement de cet accord ( Voir la section H - Transfert, renouvellement, modification et annulation du régime).
  2. B2. Renouvellement de membre: Chaque renouvellement du contrat commence à l'expiration de la période de service précédente du présent contrat et se poursuit pendant une période de service supplémentaire d'un (1) an.


  1. C1. Service Requests: ZucoraHome is available to accept your service requests (“Service Requests”) 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and we may be contacted in the following manner:
  2. C2. Photographies: Pour une résolution plus rapide de votre demande de service, il vous sera peut-être demandé de fournir des photos des composants endommagés liés à l'article couvert.
  3. C3. Service autorisé: ZucoraHome a le droit exclusif de sélectionner et de coordonner un entrepreneur de service autorisé pour effectuer l'inspection ou la réparation couverte par le présent contrat. Seule la tâche autorisée et organisée par ZucoraHome est couverte par cet accord. ZucoraHome ne vous remboursera pas pour le service effectué par votre propre entrepreneur sans l'autorisation préalable de ZucoraHome.
  4. C4. Temps de réponse: Dans des circonstances normales, soit ZucoraHome ou un entrepreneur de service autorisé vous contactera dans les quatre (4) heures ouvrables pendant les heures ouvrables normales (du lundi au vendredi) et dans les 48 heures la fin de semaine ou les jours fériés pour planifier un rendez-vous mutuellement convenable, pendant les heures normales de bureau, pour effectuer un service non urgent.
  5. C5. Emergency Response:In an emergency situation, we will make reasonable efforts to expedite service within twenty-four (24) hours. An emergency situation is defined as:
    • A plumbing failure that causes interior flooding;
    • A complete loss of heat or air conditioning in extreme temperature conditions;
    • A system failure that causes ongoing damage to your home;
    • A condition that immediately endangers health and safety as a result of the malfunctioning of a Covered Item.
  6. C6. Expediting Normal Response: ZucoraHome will accept your request to expedite non-emergency service only if an authorized ZucoraHome Service Contractor is available to provide the service requested. If the Service Contractor agrees to expedite the scheduling of a non-emergency service, you will be responsible for any additional fees, including overtime compensation.
  7. C7 Trade Service Fee: For each separate Service Request with respect to one or more Covered Items in an individual product group (Furniture, Appliances, Home Systems), you are responsible for payment of the dispatch fee (“Trade Service Fee”) in effect at the time of placing the Service Request. The Trade Service Fee is due and payable to ZucoraHome for each Service Request, including the following circumstances:
    • when you cancel a Service Request after the Service Contractor is enroute to your home;
    • when you deny the Service Contractor with access as may be required to perform a diagnosis or to undertake resolution of the Service Request;
    • when the Service Contractor’s diagnosis results in a partial or complete exclusion of coverage for the Service Request; or
    • ZucoraHome approves your request for a second opinion.
  8. C8. Guaranteed Repairs: Repairs provided under a Service Request are guaranteed by ZucoraHome for thirty (30) days. Should failure occur on the Covered Item within thirty (30) days of service another Trade Service Fee will not be charged.
  9. C9. Non-Payment of Fees: Failure to pay any fees that are due and payable will result in denial of Service Requests and suspension of Coverage until such time as the required fees are paid. At that time, Coverage will be reinstated, but the Agreement period will not be extended.
  10. C10. Second Opinion: ZucoraHome reserves the right to obtain a second opinion at our expense. In the event that ZucoraHome advises you that the malfunction is not covered, you have the right to request a second opinion, at your expense from another ZucoraHome Service Contractor within seven (7) days from the time ZucoraHome advises you the malfunction is not covered by your Plan. In the event the outcome of the second opinion is different than the first opinion, you will not be responsible or owe the additional Trade Service Fee. However, if you request a second opinion, and the outcome of the second opinion is the same as the first opinion, you will be responsible for payment of the additional Trade Service Fee.
  11. C11. Remote Service: Although ZucoraHome has created an extensive, reputable and unbiased network of Service Contractors who provide service to our Members, our network is not all-inclusive for every trade, in every location. For that reason, we may authorize or require you to contact an independent service contractor (outside of the ZucoraHome network) to obtain service. If so, we will provide you with the Service Contractor requirements. ZucoraHome will authorize payment or reimbursement for approved service and/or repairs, based on our negotiated rates with our Service Contractors (in the ZucoraHome network) and our various suppliers.
  12. C12. Access: It is your responsibility to ensure the area near the Covered Item is free and clear of any non-related items for the Service Contractor to perform the requested diagnosis or requested service. In the event the area is not accessible the Service Contractor will return at a later date and you will be responsible for an additional Trade Service Fee.
  13. C13. Gift Cards or Reimbursement:Where a Covered Item may require replacement, ZucoraHome reserves the right to arrange for the purchase and delivery of a replacement item, or alternatively, at ZucoraHome’s sole discretion, to issue a Gift Card or to provide cash reimbursement to you as compensation for the replacement of the Covered Item. The Gift Card may be issued for a retailer where you purchased the Service Plan Agreement or for an alternative retailer that is capable of providing a similar replacement item for the Covered Item being replaced.

Section D – What this agreement does not Cover

  1. D1. Force Majeure: Repairs or replacement required as a result of; or our inability to provide the Services, as a result of Fire, Freezing, Flooding, Pandemics or other Acts of God; or Accidents; Vandalism; Improper Installation; Cosmetic Defects; Design Flaws; Manufacturers’ Defects; Structural Defects; Power failure, shortage, surge, overload, or inadequate capacity.
  2. D2. Operation: Failure to Clean or Maintain; Improper Previous or Attempted Repair; Routine Maintenance; Odours; Noises; Damage due to pests or animals (not including pets); Neglect; Misuse; Abuse; Missing Parts; or Adjustments.
  3. D3. Consequential Damages: ZucoraHome is not responsible for Consequential or Secondary Damage (including Consequential Damages due to a Service Contractor’s conventional repair efforts of the primary item) nor for failure to provide timely service due to conditions beyond our control; including but not limited to, part or equipment delays or labour difficulties.
  4. D4. Commercial or Rental Use: ZucoraHome does not cover Furniture, Appliances or Systems classified by the manufacturer as Commercial, Commercial Equipment modified for domestic use, or Covered Items located in family dwellings used for commercial purposes. Coverage is not provided for any items that are rented or not owned by the Member.
  5. D5. Maintenance: You are responsible for providing maintenance and cleaning on Covered Items as specified by the manufacturer to ensure continued coverage on such items. For Example: heating and air conditioning systems require periodic cleaning and/or replacement filters and cleaning of evaporator and condenser coils.
  6. D6. Mould, Mildew or Odour: ZucoraHome is not, under any circumstances, responsible for the diagnosis, repair, removal or remediation of Mould, Mildew, Odour, Rot or Fungus, or any damages resulting from or related to Mould, Mildew, Odour, Rot or Fungus, even when caused by or related to the malfunction, repair or replacement of a Covered Item.
  7. D7. Covered Item Access: ZucoraHome is not responsible for providing or closing access to Covered Items, except as noted under Limits for Plumbing and Ductwork. We are not responsible for additional charges to remove or install systems, appliances, or non-related equipment in order to make a Covered Item repair; nor do we cover the cost of restoration of wall coverings, floor coverings, counter tops etc.
  8. D8. Positioning Equipment: ZucoraHome is not responsible for the cost of lifting equipment, cranes or any other equipment to gain access to the Covered Items.
  9. D9. Code Upgrades; Toxic Materials; Disposal: If upgrades are required to the Covered Items, ZucoraHome cannot perform service until corrective work has been completed. If additional costs are incurred in order to comply with regulations, ZucoraHome will not be responsible for any additional expense, or any costs relating to permits in respect of the Covered items. ZucoraHome will not perform services involving hazardous or toxic materials including, but not limited to, Asbestos, Mould, Lead Paint, or Sanitation of Sewage Spills, nor will ZucoraHome pay costs related to recapture and/or disposal of Refrigerator/Freezer Refrigerants, Contaminants, Hazardous or Toxic Materials with respect to any Covered Items.
  10. D10. Repair; Replacement; Upgrading:ZucoraHome is not responsible for delay in obtaining parts or replacement equipment. We reserve the right to repair and/or replace components of Covered Items with non-original manufacturer’s parts, including rebuilt or refurbished parts. We will not upgrade any covered item. We are responsible for providing installation of equipment comparable in features, capacity and efficiency, but not for matching in dimensions, color, or brand. We are not responsible for the cost of construction, carpentry, or other modifications made necessary by existing or installing different equipment. We reserve the right to provide compensation in lieu of repair or replacement in the amount of our actual cost. When providing compensation in lieu of replacement, installation is limited to one hour of labour. Payment will be provided based on our negotiated rates with our Service Contractors and suppliers, which may be less than retail. We are not responsible for work performed once you accept compensation in lieu of service. If we provide reimbursement or compensation in lieu of service, the approximate time to issuance of a payment is ten (10) business days.
  11. D11. Incompatibility: ZucoraHome is not responsible for upgrades, components, parts, or equipment required due to the incompatibility of the existing equipment with a replacement Covered Item, or component, or part thereof, or with any new type of chemical or material used to run the replacement equipment; including but not limited to, differences in technology, refrigerant requirements, or efficiency as mandated by Federal, Provincial, or Municipal Governments (except as noted in Central Air Conditioning).

Section E – Furniture Coverage

  1. E1. Covered Items – Furniture includes household items constructed of upholstered fabric, leather, synthetic leather, metal, glass and wood materials and include the following:
    • Occasional / Side Chair : Dining chairs, tables, benches
    • Ottoman / Futon : Sofabed
    • Loveseat / Oversized Chair : Mattress or Foundation
    • Occasional Tables : Mechanical or Electrical Upholstered Furniture
    • Sofa / Sectional : Bedroom Furniture
  2. E2. What is Covered?
    • Accidental Damage Coverage: Where a Covered Item, purchased during the Service Period and delivered as a new product without prior soiling or damage, is accidentally stained or damaged from a single incident, coverage is provided for cleaning, repair or replacement of components, or at ZucoraHome’s sole discretion, replacement of the Covered Item by issuance of a Gift Card or reimbursement as determined by ZucoraHome in accordance with the Furniture Plan Benefits.
    • Wear and Tear Coverage: Where a Covered Item, regardless of age, through normal use, experiences wear and tear resulting in failure of frames, joints, mechanisms, or moving parts; or general soiling, rips, tears, seam separation, fabric pulls, pilling, fraying, button loss or material deterioration; minor pet damage, perspiration, body or hair oils, grease stains, paint, bleach, nail polish or remover, material fading, colour loss, dye transfer, cracking, peeling, foam resiliency or other similar damage caused by regular normal wear and tear, coverage is provided for cleaning, repair or replacement of components, or at ZucoraHome’s sole discretion, replacement of the Covered Item by issuance of a Gift Card or reimbursement as determined by ZucoraHome in accordance with the Furniture Plan Benefits.
    • Annual Cleaning Allowance Coverage: An annual cleaning allowance as set out in the Furniture Plan Benefits, is available to Renewal Members to remove stains or general soiling.
  3. E3. What is Not Covered? Coverage is not provided for any Covered Item that becomes damaged as a result of failure to comply with the manufacturer’s instructions for use, cleaning or maintaining the Covered Item and in the following circumstances:
    • where any damage to a mechanical or electrical component is a result of improper installation, moisture, liquid spills, lightning, power failures and/or power surges, or physical damage;
    • as a result of mishandling, product abuse, misuse, excessive damage or neglect of the Covered Item;
    • odours of any kind or stains caused by corrosive substances, acids;
    • Covered Items consisting of X-coded fabrics or non-colourfast fabrics, natural materials such as silk, virgin wool or natural, unfinished/nubuck or naked leathers;
    • any natural markings or characteristics in leather that may cause appearance variations;
    • any unfinished natural wood, ceramic, quartz, marble, or similar materials;
    • any damage or stains caused while Covered Items are in transit, moving, relocation or storage;
    • Acts of God, fraud, intentional acts, war or hostilities of any kind arising from illegal activity;
    • any damage covered by any insurance program or anything not specifically identified and included as being covered.
  4. E4. Furniture Plan Benefits
    • Coverage and Services
      • Applies to Covered Items where Accidental Damage Coverage or Wear and Tear Coverage is applicable.
      • ZucoraHome will attempt to assist with removing stains using professional stain removal products at no cost to the Member, or by providing professional cleaning services technician to remove the stains (requires a Trade Service Fee to be paid in advance of dispatching a technician).
      • In the event ZucoraHome determines a repair or replacement parts are required, ZucoraHome shall obtain the required replacement parts at no cost to the Member and provide a professional repair technician, at no cost the Member, to inspect, repair and/or replace the failed part or components (requires a Trade Service Fee to be paid in advance of dispatching a technician).
      • In the event ZucoraHome determines, in its sole discretion, that the Covered Item(s) require replacement and where the Member has provided to ZucoraHome, a copy of the invoice issued by the Retailer which includes the Covered Item description, item price (“Purchase Price”) and date of purchase of the Covered Item(s); or where ZucoraHome determines the approximate Purchase Price of the Covered Item; ZucoraHome may elect to issue to the Member, a Gift Card or reimbursement in cash, such method of payment as determined by ZucoraHome, with the amount calculated on a pro-rata basis of the value of the actual or estimated Purchase Price (not including taxes, delivery or other charges) as follows:
        Reimbursement Value: DOMMAGES ACCIDENTELS Wear & Tear
        First 12 months following date of purchase 100% of Purchase Price 50% of Purchase Price
        13th month to 24th month following date of purchase 80% of Purchase Price 40% of Purchase Price
        25th month to 36th month following date of purchase 40% of Purchase Price 20% of Purchase Price
        37th month to 48th month following date of purchase 20% of Purchase Price 10% of Purchase Price
        49th month and thereafter, following date of purchase 10% of Purchase Price 5% of Purchase Price
      • No Receipt or Undertermined Value: For replacement of any Covered Item where no receipt or proof of purchase can be provided by the Member regarding the original purchase of the Covered Item, and where ZucoraHome is unable to determine the estimated Purchase Price of the Covered Item, ZucoraHome, at its sole discretion, may provide the Member with a Gift Card or reimbursement in cash, such method of payment as determined by ZucoraHome, to a maximum value of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for up to two (2) Covered Items per Service Period.
      • Annual Cleaning Allowance Coverage: Upon request, a Renewal Member may receive an annual cleaning allowance credit in the amount one-hundred dollars ($100.00), on a non-cumulative basis, to be applied to the total cost of cleaning of the Renewal Member’s home furnishings, when professional cleaning is provided by a professional cleaning technician authorized by ZucoraHome. No Service Trade Fee shall apply in respect of the cleaning allowance.
  5. E5. Furniture Plan Maximum Benefit Limits
    • Trade Service Fee: A Trade Service Fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) shall be required to be paid by the Member prior to dispatching a technician to attend to a Service Request. (No additional Trade Service Fees shall be charged for repeated visits related to the same Service Request issue.)
    • Maximum Furniture Plan Benefit Limit: For each individual Service Request for one or more Covered Items, costs including Service Request administration, diagnosis, provision of cleaning products, stain removal, services, repairs, parts, components, Covered Item replacement, value of Gift Cards, and any reimbursement is limited to a maximum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per Service Request.

Section F – Major Appliances Coverage

  1. F1. Covered Items – Major Appliances: include the following kitchen and laundry Covered Items:

    Kitchen Appliances

    • Refrigerator (single compressor)
    • Cuisinière / four / surface de cuisson
    • Lave-vaisselle
    • Micro-ondes encastré
    • Hotte de cuisine
    • Congélateurs (en tant que partie interne du réfrigérateur)
    • Centres alimentaires intégrés

    Laundry Appliances

    • Clothes Washer
    • Sécheuse
    • Washer & Dryer Pairs
    • Piédestaux de buanderie
  2. F2. What is Covered: Components and parts that affect the operation of the Covered Item. Repair or replacement of components and parts that malfunction due to normal wear and tear and are not related to conditions or items identified as “Not Covered”.
  3. F3. What is NOT Covered: Coverage is not provided for any Covered Items that include damage or loss of items that do not affect the operation of the Covered item, including, but not limited to:
    • touch pad assemblies, plastic mini tubes, soap dispensers, knobs, filters, lint screens, venting components, dials, interior thermal shells, trim kits, hinges, wheels;
    • ice crushers, non-standard beverage dispensers and their respective components, racks, shelves, removable buckets and trays, refrigerant recapture/recovery/recharge, Freon or coolant;
    • where components are damaged as a result of improper installation, lightning, power failures and/or power surges, or physical damage;
    • any damage covered by any insurance program or anything not specifically identified and included as being covered.
  4. F4. Appliances Plan Maximum Benefit Limits
    • Trade Service Fee: A Trade Service Fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) shall be required to be paid by the Member prior to dispatching a technician to attend to a Service Request. (No additional Trade Service Fees shall be charged for repeated visits related to the same Service Request issue.)
    • Maximum Appliance Plan Benefit Limit: For each individual Service Request for one or more Covered Items, costs including Service Request administration, diagnosis, provision technician services, repairs, parts, components, Covered Item replacement, value of Gift Cards, and any reimbursement is limited to a maximum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per Service Request.

Section G – Home Systems Coverage

Covered Items – Home Systems Plan include the following primary systems:
  1. G1.0 Heating System
    • G1.1 What is Covered: Except for what is detailed in the “What is NOT covered” in Section G1.2 below, Plan coverage includes repair, replacement and labour for:
      • Heating Units: heating systems, including primary gas, electric or oil, Forced Air heating units, wall mounted heaters, floor furnaces, heat pumps, mini-splits, radiant hot water or steam circulating heaters, electric baseboard heaters, room heaters and Geothermal heating.
      • Duct Work: including access to ductwork through unobstructed walls, ceilings and floors, dampers, plenums, actuators, breaks or leaks in ductwork including registers and grills and cost of returning access opening to a rough finish (drywall, tape and mud).
    • G1.2 What is NOT Covered: Heat Lamps, Filters, Electronic Air Cleaners, Humidifiers, Furnace Vents & Flues, Asbestos Covered Ductwork, Wood or Pellet Stoves (even if primary source of heating), Fireplaces (of any kind) and Key Valves, Inserts, Insulation, Collapsed or crushed Ductwork, improperly sized systems or systems with mismatched capacity per manufacturer’s specifications, Zone Control Systems, Zone Valves, Solar Space Heating & Cooling Systems, outside or underground piping and components for Geothermal and/or Water Source Heat Pumps, freestanding or portable units, maintenance, cleaning or noises however caused, replacement of refrigerant or any diagnostic testing following replacement of heating equipment.
  2. G2.0 Air Conditioner/Cooler
    • G2.1 What is Covered: Electric Central Air Conditioning including Condensers, Evaporative Coils, Compressors, air handler, leaks in accessible Freon Lines, Electric Wall Air Conditioning, Water Evaporative Coolers, and thermostat. NOTE: Coverage available on Cooling Systems with capacity not exceeding five (5) tons per unit (unlimited units covered).
    • G2.2 What is NOT Covered: Gas Units, Filters, Dampers, Maintenance, Cleaning, Noise, Condenser Housing, Pads, Water Towers, Water Trays or Drip Pans of any kind, Roof Jacks & Stands, Improperly Sized Systems or Systems with Mismatched Capacity per Manufacturer’s Specifications, Inaccessible or Not Visible Coil Lines, Zone Control Systems, Chillers, Pre-Coolers, Freon Recapture/ Recovery or Recharge.
    • G2.3 R-410A Modifications: If ZucoraHome determines that Air Conditioning unit must be replaced, we will replace the unit with a unit that meets the current governmental efficiency standards and replace necessary covered components, including Air Handling Transition, Evaporator Coil, Refrigerant Lines, Secondary Drain Pan and Line, Plenum, Duct Transition and Indoor Electrical. If R22 parts or systems are no longer available, ZucoraHome will repair or replace the failed component with R410A equipment and cover the cost of modifications necessary to maintain compatibility.
  3. G3.0 Plumbing System
    • G3.1 What is Covered: Drain Line Stoppages, Toilets, Plumbing Pipe Leaks, Whirlpool Motor & Pump, Shower Valve, Diverter Valve, Instant Hot Water Dispenser, Sump Pump (ground water only), Recirculating Pump, Water Heater (up to 50 gal.), Tankless Water Heater. Includes: (1) diagnosis, repair or replacement for leaks in concrete encased water, drain, gas, polybutylene piping, tankless oil or power vent water heaters; (2) replacement of Toilet Tanks & Bowls (replaced with Builders Standard when necessary), (3) obtaining access through unobstructed walls, ceilings, and floors only, and returning access opening to rough finish condition (drywall, tape, and mud). (4) Clearing of stoppages which can be cleared with standard sewer cable through an existing clean-out located inside the home without excavation. ZucoraHome shall be responsible for only one sewer stoppage clearing per each Main Sewer Line, Secondary Waste Line, or Toilet.
    • G3.2 What is NOT Covered: Plumbing Fixtures including Faucets, Bathtub, Shower Base Pans & Enclosures, Toilet Lids & Seats, Sprinkler or Solar Systems, stop & waste valves, Water Heater Vents & Flues, Vent Pipes, Septic Tank, Stoppages that cannot be cleared with Cable, Hydro Jetting, Stoppages due to Roots, Water Heater Heat Pump Attachment, Sewage Ejector Pump, internal and external Hose Bibs, Expansion Tanks, Energy Conservation Units, Noise, Electrolysis, Water Softener, Whirlpool Jets, Water Filters, Water Purification Systems, Bidets, Jet Pumps, Conditions caused by Chemical, Calcium, or Sediment Build-up, Caulking, Grouting, Inadequate or Excessive Water Pressure, Flow Restrictions in Fresh Water Lines caused by Rust, Corrosion, or Chemical Deposits, Basket Strainers, Pop-up Assemblies, Stoppers, Diesel or Oil Fired Water Heaters, Heat Pump/ Water Heater Combination Units, Leaks/ Damage caused by Roots, Water Heater Drip Pans, Ice Maker Water Lines, Main Water Shut-off Valve. Obstructions to Plumbing are the Member’s responsibility to remove, and include: Tile, Cabinetry, or any other items permanently affixed or requiring additional work to remove. ZucoraHome is not responsible for access to Drain or Sewer Lines from vent or removal of toilet
  4. G4.0 Electrical System
    • G4.1 What is Covered: Wiring, Panels and Subpanels attached to the home, Plugs, Fuses, Junction Boxes, GIFI Circuit Breakers, Conduit, Ceiling Fans, Exhaust Fan, Central Vacuum main unit.
    • G4.2 What is NOT Covered: Light Fixtures and Wireless/Remote Switches or Controls including those on Ceiling Fans, Bulbs, Ballasts, Vents. Removable Attachments, Accessories or Hoses, Plumbing/Piping within home related to Central Vacuum System. Telephone Wiring, Heat Lamps, Intercoms, Alarms, Low-Voltage Relay Systems, Electronic or Computerized Energy Management or Lighting and Appliance Management Systems, Door Bell and related Wiring, Chimes, Saunas or Steam Rooms, Smoke Detectors, Garage Door mechanisms openers or remotes.
  5. G5.0 Pre-season Tune-ups: Air Conditioning and Heating Systems
    • G5.1 Air Conditioning Tune-Up For a Renewal Member, ZucoraHome will provide an allowance of up to $100 to be applied against the cost of one (1) A/C System – Summer Pre-season Tune-up between March 1st and April 30th, and includes the following: calibrate thermostat, test temperature split, check refrigerant levels & system pressures, perform amp draw on condenser motor, evaporator motor and compressor, clean condenser coils, check contacts, check condensate lines, clean or replace filters (owner supplied), clean & tighten electrical connections, test capacitors, and test safety switches.
    • G5.2 Heating System Tune-Up: For a Renewal Member, ZucoraHome will provide an allowance of up to $100 to be applied against the cost of one (1) Heating System – Winter Pre-Season Tune-up between September 1st and October 31st, and includes the following: calibrate thermostat, check heat operations, clean or replace filters (owner supplied), clean & tighten electrical connections, inspect pilot system, test safety switches, test limit switches, and clean burners.
    • G5.3 What is NOT Covered: Filters, Recharging of Freon or Refrigerant, Clearing of condensate line stoppages, Evaporator/Indoor coil cleaning including acid cleaning, Cleaning or unclogging services required to correct problems related to the lack of manufacturer recommended maintenance (filters must be replaced monthly).
    • G5.4 To Request Service: The Renewal Member is responsible for scheduling the tune-up during the specified pre-season period by contacting us. In the event a Member places an additional Service Request while the Contractor is performing a Pre-Season Tune-up at their home, the Renewal Member is required to pay an additional Rade Service Fee.
    • G5.5 Tune-Up Benefits Limits: Maintenance tune-up allowances are available for a combined maximum amount of up to $200 per Service Period.
  6. G6.0 Home System Plan Maximum Benefits Limits
    • G6.1 Trade Service Fee: A Trade Service Fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) shall be required to be paid by the Member prior to dispatching a technician to attend to a Service Request. (No additional Trade Service Fees shall be charged for repeated visits related to the same Service Request issue.)
    • G6.2 Maximum Home System Plan Benefit Limit: For each individual Service Request for one or more Covered Items, costs including Service Request administration, diagnosis, provision technician services, repairs, parts, components, Covered Item replacement, value of Gift Cards, and any reimbursement is limited to a maximum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per Service Request.

Section H – Plan Transfer, Renewal, Change and Cancellation

  1. H1. Plan Transfer: This Agreement may be transferable to a Transferee for a $25.00 Administration Fee, paid to ZucoraHome, subject to ZucoraHome providing such coverage or service in the Transferee’s location. You must notify ZucoraHome and confirm such transfer is acceptable by contacting us.
  2. H2. Plan Renewal: This Agreement may be renewed at ZucoraHome’s sole discretion. Should ZucoraHome choose to renew this Agreement, you will be notified of any changes in Rates or Terms of this Agreement approximately 45 days prior to Renewal. Payment rates may increase upon Renewal. To ensure there is no lapse of coverage, payment must be received by ZucoraHome prior to the expiration date of the Agreement.
  3. H3. Change: You may choose to change (increase or reduce) your Selected Plan coverage at any time by contacting ZucoraHome.
  4. H4. Cancellation:
    • You may cancel this Agreement at any time for any reason.
    • ZucoraHome may cancel this Agreement for any of the following reasons:
      • if you do not pay a fee or charge under the terms of this agreement;
      • if you breach this Agreement;
      • if you engage in fraud or misrepresentation of facts material to the issuance of this agreement;
      • upon mutual agreement between you and ZucoraHome;
      • if you harm or threaten the safety or well-being of any employee of ZucoraHome, a ZucoraHome service provider or any property of ZucoraHome or of the service provider.
    • If this Agreement is canceled within the first thirty (30) days of a Service Period:
      • If no services have been provided by ZucoraHome, the Member shall be entitled to receive a full refund of the fees paid; or
      • if services have been provided by ZucoraHome and costs are less than the Agreement fees paid to date of cancellation, the Member shall be entitled to a refund of the Agreement fees paid to date, less any costs incurred by ZucoraHome; or
      • if services have been provided by ZucoraHome and costs are greater than the Agreement fees paid to date of cancellation, the Member shall pay to ZucoraHome the cost which is greater than the Agreement fees paid to date of cancellation; and,
      • the Agreement shall terminate the day prior to the next payment date without further obligation to the Member.
    • If this Agreement is canceled after the thirtieth (30th) day following the beginning of a Service Period:
      • If no services have been provided, or the costs incurred by ZucoraHome to date of cancelation are less than the fees paid by the Member, the Agreement shall terminate on the day prior to the next payment date without further obligation to the Member; or
      • if services have been provided by ZucoraHome and costs are greater than the Agreement fees paid to date of cancellation, the Member shall pay to ZucoraHome the costs that are greater than the amount of the Agreement fees paid to date and the Agreement shall terminate on the day prior to the next payment date without further obligation to the Member.

Section I – Arbitration

ZucoraHome and the Member will attempt, in good faith, to resolve any controversy or dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement through direct discussions. Should these discussions be unsuccessful, then any dispute that arises between the Parties relating to the application, interpretation, implementation or validity of this Agreement, the Parties agree to resolve the dispute by arbitration, on an individual basis, under the Arbitration Rules (“ADRIC Rules”) of the ADR Institute of Canada, Inc (“ADRIC”). The parties agree that the ARDIC Rules give the parties a fair opportunity to present their case and respond to the case of the other side. The governing law will be that of the province or territory where you reside, or of Ontario if you reside outside Canada. The language of arbitration will be English, or, if the governing law is Québec’s, French if you choose.

The ADRIC Rules are available by contacting ADRIC at 1-877-475-4353 or

This Arbitration Provision affects your ability to participate in class or collective actions. Both you and ZucoraHome agree to bring any dispute in arbitration on an individual basis only, and not on a class or collective basis on behalf of others. There will be no right or authority for any dispute to be brought, heard or arbitrated as a class or collective action, or for you to participate as a member in any such class or collective proceeding (“Class Action Waiver”). Notwithstanding any other provision of the Arbitration Provision or the ADRIC Rules, disputes in court or arbitration regarding the validity, enforceability, conscionability, or breach of the Class Action Waiver, or whether the Class Action Waiver is void or voidable, may be resolved only by a court and not by an arbitrator. In any case in which (1) the dispute is filed as a class or collective action and (2) there is a final judicial determination that all or part of the Class Action Waiver is unenforceable, the class or collective action to that extent must be litigated in court, but the portion of the Class Action Waiver that is enforceable shall be enforced in arbitration.

Judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.

Zucora Inc.
552 Clarke Road
London, ON N5V 3K5